Recently, I was hooked on the game sky.
This is a game I started with beautiful screenshots of my followers.
The game sky is being rolled out worldwide and was created by a Californian company.
The content of the game is to let the child of the stars fly and explore the beautiful world to release the memories of the spirits of the dead world and return to the constellations of the sky.
このゲームには特徴的な点がいくつかあり、まずその中の一つとしてフレンドと助け合う要素があります。This game has some special features, one of which is to help your friends.
As another factor, you can’t name yourself.
Once you become friends, you can name them. This name is invisible to the opponent. So, if you want to know the other person’s handle name, you need to listen by chat.
Knowing the names of players who are enjoying the same game requires steps, so it’s natural to work with strangers.
難しいステージを乗り越えた時、助けてくれた人にお礼を伝えたいと思いました。When I got over a difficult stage, I wanted to thank those who helped me.
I’m not good at chatting and English, so I searched Twitter for other gamers. I was very impressed by the keyboard gboard.
gboard Googleキーボードhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
一つ前の記事で、同時翻訳する様子を動画にしました。是非、ご覧ください。In the previous article, we made a video of simultaneous translation. Please take a look.
gboardの翻訳機能|風音 @ka_za_nya #note https://note.com/ka_za_nya/n/nf8cd2d022cc9
This article was written on gboard.
There must be a lot of weird English, but I still don’t know what is wrong.
I want to talk to my friends, so I want to get used to English little by little while using tools so that I can speak English well.